PURIM 2021

Yay!! Finally making Mishloach Manot for this years Purim. Call/Text to order!
We've launched, take two!
So exciting to be up and running again. We have added new products to our collection. we are still doing our custom orders by phone according to budget and getting ready for corporate sales. We have also add Kosher Miami (KM) to our gift baskets for candies, dried fruits and nuts!
Website being Revamped
Can't wait for our website to be updated! Working on new baskets everyday and we will showcase a brand new line next month. In the meantime I will be removing a lot of our old items that we used to sell so hang in there. Please see our Instagram or Facebook for most up to date posts. We are still open!!
It's been a while.....

It's been a while, and we have made so much progress, we made our logo, we've added consistency to our gifts and gift packaging and have gained a strong Instagram following! Orders are flowing and we're getting ready with our Purim orders, we've also started getting more Bar-Mitzvah Party favor orders. This is so exciting!!! Blessed to have customers, repeat customers and new!